The monogram chic font is absolutely beautiful and I’m sure you love it like we all do here! Each 2 letter combination is custom drawn and used for many different products we sell. There’s just one letter combination for each combo and they can’t be altered, though, so it’s great to see yours and make sure you love it!
Whether your name is Heather Duncan or Dolly Higginbotham, the monogram would be the same intertwined HD like this.

The neat thing about this font is that the letters come in 2 different colors. Above they are shown as the same thread color, but I love these options using the separate colors, as well.

The way to preview what your specific monogram combo will be is to check out the images below. They are listed alphabetically from AA, AB, AC, etc. and then the B section starts with BB, BC, BD. If your name is Dolly Parton (Hi, Dolly! Huge fan here!), you would look in the D section since that initial is first in the alphabet. If your name is Rhonda Hart (Hi, Mom! Also a huge fan of yours!), you would look in the H section even though your name starts with R because H is first in the alphabet.

These are all custom drawn designs and they’re beautiful! I didn’t draw them, but paid to have the license to use them for monograms, so I don’t sell the files (and you shouldn’t, either!) and I’m thankful to be able to use them for your items! We are able to use this style in sizes 1″ all the way up to 9″, so it can be used for SO many things!

If you don’t super duper love your monogram chic combo for some reason, we’ll be glad to work with you to layer another monogram format to make it work for you. There are similar styles that have a little bit more wiggle room for adjustment in the letters and we’ll be happy to help!

I hope this has been helpful! Please send us an email any time at with any questions and we’ll be glad to help you find just the right monogram for you!