Happy Back to School 2015!

Oh, Summer. You were so good to us: Lightning bugs in jars, golf cart rides on the beach, ice cream at bedtime. We will miss the freedom, the sun tans and the water balloons.

But this summer, we just survived. I’m talking about scraped by with a tiny sliver of sanity remaining.

Here are a few things we won’t miss: camp forms, sunscreen application, wet towels EVERYWHERE. Yelling “CLOSE THE DOOR” whether it be pantry, refrigerator or garage-doesn’t matter which; they’re always open. “Maaaa-aahhhm, we lost (another pair of) googles/ (the one matching) Croc/ (every single) pool toy.” The sounds of Minecraft, the intro to Phineas and Ferb, the Whip and also the Nae Nae. Don’t even get me started on that Stanky Leg. Empty pantries, Band Aids GONE, piles of Legos/ Barbie’s wardrobe at every corner- everything has been in the path of this summer tornado.

Oh Summer. We squeezed every last good drop out of you. And just barely made it.

Happy Back to School 2015!

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